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About Me

First off, my name is Michael Parsons and I am nothing special...just a sinner saved by the grace of God, that's all.


Initially raised in a good Fundamentalist Christian home, for 20 years I played the part of the prodigal son. On my journey back to God, I tried many different paths - was even a Buddhist for a few years - until, finally, in 2004, at the age of 46, I was wonderously saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ - in my living room, with not a hint of emotion - then five days later, the Holy Spirit filled the room, then He filled me...and gifted me with discernment, to teach and preach the truth of His Word.


Do I have anything worthwhile to say? Maybe...maybe not. I guess that's for you to decide.


In the end, my sole objective is to spread the message that JESUS SAVES, and that through His life-changing Salvation, we can not only have the privilege of SERVING Him in this world, but also have the confidence and assurance to know our destiny in Him is eternally guaranteed in the next.


See you on the other side. 




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